PASQUIER, Andrew; VAN BENNEKOM, Jop; JONKERS, Gert; FELDMANN, Nathaniel (eds.)
BUTT #33
The 33rd issue of BUTT is out in the world and ready to read. Happiness on the cover with Aussie sex worker Emil and within the 100+ lusty pink pages. Featuring extremely versatile chef Andy Baraghani, dress designer Tomo Koizumi, a Mexico City orgy organizer and a pro wrestler from New Jersey. Punk philosopher Paul B. Preciado connects with artist Juliana Huxtable. Denim fully fetishized by Benjamin Fredrickson and Melanie Bonajo photographs Young Boy Dancing Group with the help of some lube. And more. [publishers’ note]
Published by TOP Publishers BV, 2023
Design by Jop van Bennekom, Nuno Beijinho and Rogier Delfos
Periodicals / Queer Culture / Conversations