SMITH, Barbara T.; PORTER, Jenelle (ed.)
Barbara T. Smith: Proof

Now we’re talking. Barbara T. Smith: Proof is IMHO the ideal exhibition monograph: light, elegantly designed, exciting to browse, rich with documents—photographs of works and performances, reproductions of documents—, completed with a precise chronology of the artist’s life & work. The essays go straight to their points—technology, ecofeminism, performance. The amazing Xerox work on the cover is echoed quite movingly on the back cover. Needless to say, Barbara T. Smith’s work is GREAT: “A pioneer of the performance art movement of the late 1960s, Southern California–based Barbara T. Smith (born 1931) has long produced work that explores the self, sexuality, gender roles and spiritual sustenance. While her performances have received critical attention, the objects Smith has made over nearly 60 years—many for, or as a result of, performances—are less known. These include her radical Xerox works, assemblages, sculptures, artist’s books, drawings, paintings, photographs and videos.”

With contributions by Jenelle Porter, Gloria Sutton, Catherine Taft and Pietro Rigolo.


Published by Gregory R. Miller & Co., 2024
Design by Content Object (C/O)

Price: 50€

SMITH, Barbara T.; PORTER, Jenelle (ed.) - Barbara T. Smith: Proof