BOGHIGUIAN, Anna; HOSTE, Ann (ed.); ENGUITA, Nuria (ed.); THIEL, Thomas (ed.)
Anna Boghiguian: A Short Long History Sometimes Unexpectedly the Present Meets the Past

In her work, Anna Boghiguian explores the historical, economic, social and political impact of certain events of the past in the present. She employs the image as a form of writing and writing as image to unfold a way of thinking and a poetics committed with the world; visual essays that show the sustained impact of political history and economic conditions in the contemporary world.

To the artist’s way of thinking, colonialism is like a hinge moment that ushered in a profound radical change in articulating human relationships with the world, however much her images are drawn from her experience, from the personal encounter with certain places and objects that provoke an emotional and cognitive response. An Egyptian-Canadian artist of Armenian origin, Boghiguian transforms these experiences into drawings, paintings, cut-outs, collages and installations. [exhibition text]

With text by Ann Hoste, Nuria Enguita, Thomas Thiel, Quinn Latimer, Sven Lütticken, Pip Day, and Pablo Lafuente.

*** Text in English but also / im Deutsch / en Français dans un cahier séparé ***

À partir de trois expositions personnelles récentes, cette publication offre un aperçu de la réalisation matérielle et conceptuelle du travail d’Anna Boghiguian. Une œuvre qui livre une perspective unique sur la vie et met en évidence son attention particulière pour le présent et le passé, les livres et la poésie, la politique et l’économie. Son langage visuel est avant tout figuratif, très personnel et se manifeste particulièrement au travers de sujets qui la touchent personnellement. Sujets qui peuvent aussi bien être en rapport avec la joie de vivre qu’avec la colère face à l’injustice dans le monde. [SMAK.be]

Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2022

Price: 42€

BOGHIGUIAN, Anna; HOSTE, Ann (ed.); ENGUITA, Nuria (ed.); THIEL, Thomas (ed.) - Anna Boghiguian: A Short Long History Sometimes Unexpectedly the Present Meets the Past