PAEZ PASSAQUIN, Natalia; MYON, Fanny (eds.)
Voix Off: a women-run print shop

Voix Off was a non-mixed printing company founded by 4 women from the MLF (Women Liberation Movement) in Paris in 1982. By printing texts by fellow women, feminist and lesbian magazines, posters, pamphlets, and books, they showed resistance to male domination over the industry. Their production spread in alternative & activist circles until 1988. [publishers’ note]

The texts and documents in this brochure are excerpts from the excellent book Voix Off : imprimerie de femmes: essays and discussions with membres and collaborators of Voix Off, translated in English by Phoebe Hadjimarkos Clarke.

Published by Collectif des Typotes, 2023
Design by Fanny Myon
Essays / Book Culture / Feminism

Price: 5€

PAEZ PASSAQUIN, Natalia; MYON, Fanny (eds.) - Voix Off: a women-run print shop