Trinité & Lexicon - The Typefaces Designed By Bram De Does

This book contains the full text of another book, published in 1991 and titled ‘Romanée and Trinité: Historically Original and Systematically Sloppy’, for which Dutch graphic and type designer Bram de Does set the text by hand using Jan van Krimpen’s Romanée. Then, in 1999, De Does prepared a dossier about the development of Lexicon for the Amsterdam University Library. Here, he revisits both efforts through typeset type specimens of all the available Trinité and Lexicon fonts. The publication contains many important details from the time of the transition from hand-setting via photo-typesetting to digital typesetting, plus textual examples from an essay by Frans Janssen.[publisher's note]

Published by De Buitenkant, 2013
Typography / Essays / Facsimile & Reprints

Price: 42€

DE DOES, Bram   - Trinité & Lexicon - The Typefaces Designed By Bram De Does