LONZI, Carla; FORTUNATI, Leopoldina; AUSTIN, Arlen (ed.); COLANTUONO, Sara (ed.); MANSOOR, Jaleh (ed.)
Gendered Labour and Clitoridean Revolt

More spit on Hegel! A collection of new translations of significant texts by two poles of Italian feminist thought—Leopoldina Fortunati and Carla Lonzi—to examine the “unexpected subject” of women in society and history. These texts are accompanied by contextual essays that explore the reverberation of their thought in contemporary artistic practice, theory, and models of creating freedom for women in everyday life.

This volume includes new translations of texts by Leopoldina Fortunati, Carla Lonzi, and Rivolta Femminile. Additional contributions by Sara Colantuono, Claire Fontaine, Maya Gonzalez, Matilde Guidelli-Guidi, Jaleh Mansoor, and Giovanna Zapperi. [publishers’ note]

Published by Fillip Editions, 2024
Anthologies / Collectives / Feminism

Price: 22€

LONZI, Carla; FORTUNATI, Leopoldina; AUSTIN, Arlen (ed.); COLANTUONO, Sara (ed.); MANSOOR, Jaleh (ed.) - Gendered Labour and Clitoridean Revolt