OBERENDER, Thomas (ed.)
The New Infinity

Planetariums are galleries of the future: their fulldome projections create the largest image space in the world and boast the highest digital sound and video technology standards. In the analogue “star theater” it was the universe, today it is often digital space simulations that create a feeling of endlessness and a new, tableau-like way of seeing.

Published to accompany the project, The New Infinity, for which The Berliner Festspiele / Immersion and the Planetarium Hamburg commissioned works for digital fulldome systems, this publication reflects on the history and the possibilities the planetarium offers as a space for contemporary art, and documents the works. [publisher’s note]

With contributions by Agnieszka Polska, Robert Lippok & Lucas Gutierrez, Metahaven; and texts by Ulrike Bergermann, Michaela French, Thomas Oberender, David O’Reilly.


Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2019
Exhibition Catalogues / Essays / Music & Sound / Design

Price: 18€

OBERENDER, Thomas (ed.) - The New Infinity