The Greatest Whole

The Greatest Whole is the first work of fiction by the musical artist known as King Khan. In an ever-shifting Burroughsian style that might be called acid literature, Khan takes us on a mind-melting romp into a lurid, dystopian cannibal society in chaos. Set across three short works, The Greatest Whole rolls up unhinged dreams and delicious nightmares until they mesh into an erotic tangle, as one floats through a strange land of degradation and ecstasy. Stop and witness feverish trading at the Crimson Market, where the underground currency is rare blood types. Watch out for the crooked elders who sadistically torture and torment passive bystanders unwilling to revolt. And then there is the question of the goddess Kali and a certain “bowel miracle.” The Greatest Whole is writing stretched to bizarre and sweaty limits—and complemented by Livia Cocchi's stunning linocuts throughout. This is a book that will permanently damage your subconscious in the best way possible. [publishers’ note]

With artworks by Saba Lou Khan, Livia Cocchi, Nico Bassez.

Published by Khannibalism / First To Knock, 2023
Literature / Counterculture / Magic / Music & Sound

Price: 18€

KHAN, A. A. - The Greatest Whole