“A brilliant, ramifying series of thought experiments, Postscripts rigorously avoids becoming a no-stakes mind game. Here, the stakes—political, aesthetic, ethical—are quite high. For, the experiments are rigged to combust those ideas and stances thatinsufficiently tolerant of counterfactuals - fail to pass their test. Deadly serious and humorous at once, these thought rifts for a moment expose what is unthinkable—but for the creative collaboration they stage between the two aspects of ‘the mortal, dead while still alive’—before it is once again abducted. Jalal Toufic invents and masters his own transversal genre, sentence by ingeniously-placed sentence.”
— Joan Copjec
Small sized text book by Jalal Toufic, published in conjunction with the exhibition Let’s be honest, the weather helped by Walid Raad at Moderna Museet, Stockholm (February 15 - May 10, 2020). [publisher's note]
Published by ROMA Publications, 2020
Design by Roger Willems