Observations upon Experimental Philosophy

“Whether it be possible to make Man and Other Animal creatures that naturally have no Wings, flie as Birds do”; “Of the Celestial Parts of this World; and whether they be alterable?”; “Of the substance of the Sun, and of Fire”; “Of Telescopes”: four texts about the sky by Margaret Lucas Cavendish (1623-1673), the Duchess of Newcastle, writer, philosopher and scientist whose salon was home to Descartes, Hobbes and Gassendi, precursor of feminism and author of one of the first works of science fiction (The Blazing World, in 1666). [publisher’s note]

Quatre textes sur le ciel de Margaret Cavendish (1623-1673), aristocrate anglaise, écrivaine, philosophe et scientifique dont le salon accueillait Descartes, Hobbes et Gassendi, précurseure du féminisme et auteure en 1666 de l’une des premières œuvres de science-fiction. 

Traduit par Lucas Cantori. [note de l’éditeur]

Published by Clinamen, 2020
Essays / Ecology

Price: 12€

CAVENDISH, Margaret - Observations upon Experimental Philosophy