ROTHENBERGER, Flurina (ed.)
Nice N°2. Abidjan / Côte d'Ivoire

Initiated by Flurina Rothenberger and Hammer, Nice is a magazine conceived and realized by young photographers, writers and artists, over the course of workshops and work sessions organized for each issue in a different city on the African continent: Abidjan, for this second release. 

The magazine proposes a kaleidoscopic and thrilling portrait of the city and its cultures, through essays and photographs dealing with fashion, food, love, disco, poverty, and the nouchi slang. 

Texts in English and French.

Published by Klaym / Rollo Press, 2018
Design by Hammer
Periodicals / Scenes / Graphic Design / Cultural Studies / Photography / Food Culture

Price: 30€

ROTHENBERGER, Flurina (ed.) - Nice N°2. Abidjan / Côte d'Ivoire