Music From Elsewhere: Haunting Tunes From Mythical Beings, Hidden Worlds, and Other Curious Sources
A cacophonous cabinet of curiosities, gathering other musics channeled from the spirit world, the fairy kingdom, outer space, secret societies and occult lodges. Compiled by musician, historian and archivist Doug Skinner, this unique collection of esoteric earworms gathers, and examines, music from other worlds. Notation is also included for several tunes so that you can play along at home.
Over eight themed essays you’ll find tunes hummed, strummed, and sung by spirits, sprites and fairies, extraterrestrial elevator music, dreamed ditties, marches for occult ceremonies, secret musical codes and languages, music made by animals, and more. [publishers’ note]
Published by Strange Attractor Press, 2024
Design by Tihana Šare and Baphorock
Essays / Music & Sound / Magic