Let's talk about: Fun to be Dead. The Poems of Bob Flanagan
30 May 2024 07:00PM

Join Sabrina Tarasoff, Dennis Cooper and other special guests for the launch of the first complete collection of Bob Flanagan’s poetry !

Edited by Sabrina Tarasoff and with contributions by Jack Skelley, Sheree Rose, Chiara Moioli, David Trinidad, Dodie Bellamy, and Dennis Cooper.

Bob Flanagan makes me sick and I love it. Is there a right way to be ill? I dunno. Probably you’re meant to keep quiet or frighten anybody too much, just be a strung-out angel in waiting, please. This is very much fucking not what Bob Flanagan did. He took his wrecked body, his pain, his urges and, yup, his death, everything that he was supposed to keep to himself, and he turned it into work that’s ferociously alive, hilarious, strange. In these poems, he’s singing to you in the back of the ambulance while the dogs prowl outside and ‘the sky glows orange like a match.’ It’s beautiful, it hurts. 

- Charlie Fox, author of This Young Monster

 - Let's talk about: Fun to be Dead. The Poems of Bob Flanagan