It Disappears In Blue and Red and Gold (Dialecty series)
"Shetland wis won by Harald Hårfagre, in da days whan
da Vikings wir settin oot in aa da aerts wi dir axes,
longboats and stinkin haps tied aboot dir backs. Dis cam eftir
da time dat giants roamed an fokk wid wakken in
dir beds tae hear bairns greetin wi a big wan clawed trow
comin in da bedroom window, tearin at dir throats."
Helen Nisbet makes a return to family history and memories of Shetland and the displaced reverberations in her contemporary life.
The Dialecty series, conceived by Maria Fusco with The Common Guild, considers the uses of vernacular forms of speech and writing, exploring how dialect words, grammar and syntax challenge and improve traditional orthodoxies of critical writing.
Published by Book Works, 2018
Design by Traven T. Troves
Artists' Writings / Essays / Literature / Poetry