KENNERLEY, David (ed.)
GETTING IN: NYC Club Flyers from the Gay 1990s

A BIG, hard cover book showcasing 230 flyers from NYC queer clubs from the 1990s (the Roxy, Palladium, Limelight, Crowbar, Pyramid…), with commentary from nightlife luminaries of the era such as Michael Musto, Lady Bunny, DJ Larry Tee, DJ Susan Morabito, Goldy Loxxx, and more. The book is organized in 7 chapters with insightful titles such as: “Getting Huge: Megaclubs & Sweaty Mayhem,” “Getting into Roxy: Drag Queens & Chelsea Boy,” “Getting Intimate: Smaller Clubs & Frivolity,” or “Getting Off: Back Rooms & Sex Clubs.” For nerdies, each flyer is carefully captioned with dates, format, and the name of the designer/artist when available. The book also includes maps, a timeline of the clubs’ lives, and a LGBTQ history timeline. A lot to handle.

Published by Daken Press LLC, 2023
Queer Culture / Scenes / Sex / Documents / Book Culture / Dance

Price: 52€

KENNERLEY, David (ed.) - GETTING IN: NYC Club Flyers from the Gay 1990s