GenderFail Anthology of Queer Typography Vol.1

The first volume in a series of publications, workshops and programs exploring queer and trans exploration and experiments in typography, GenderFail Anthology of Queer Typography Vol.1 focuses on GenderFails ongoing typographic series of fonts created from the hand letters of protest signs from historical and contemporary acts of resistance centering the voices of queer, trans, black and other marginalized voices.

The book also features a reprinting of Paul Soulellis’ essay, “What is Queer Typography?” that acts as both the forward to this anthology but the series in general. This text was first printed by Soulellis as a fundraiser for Queer.Archive.Work to help raise urgent funds for the organization. GenderFail is humbled to be able to reprint this work and have it included as a seminal text in this anthology series exploring non-dominant modes of typographic exploration. [publishers’ note]

Published by GenderFail Press, 2022
Design by Be Oakley
Artists' Writings / Typography / Graphic Design / Queer Culture

Price: 25€

OAKLEY, Be; SOULELLIS, Paul - GenderFail Anthology of Queer Typography Vol.1