MARRIN, Bella; COX, Natasha; MALLET, Isabel (eds.)
fieldnotes #3 I is a crowd

As the world slowly emerges into supposed normalcy, as we become accustomed to being around more people than just ourselves, “I is a crowd” feels like a mantra for a new age. This issue contains new writing and artwork from a range of contributors, among them Charlie Hawksfield, Peter Gizzi, McKenzie Wark, Kate Paul, Michelle Williams Gamaker, Georges Bataille, Declan Wiffen, Rosa Barba, Travis Jeppesen, Robert Glück & Arnold J Kemp, Cecilia Pavón, and Yuhan Shen. [publisher's note]

Published by fieldnotes, 2022
Periodicals / Literature

Price: 17€

MARRIN, Bella; COX, Natasha; MALLET, Isabel (eds.) - fieldnotes #3 I is a crowd