BINGA, Tomaso

Embedded in the language of visual and sound poetry, the practice of Tomaso Binga (Bianca Pucciarelli Menna, born in Salerno in 1931) is based on an ironic, insightful questioning of the idea of gender. In her work, this theme is not only a generator of identity, but also a way of looking afresh at the social roles, rights and opportunities traditionally available to women. Her decision to work under a male pseudonym from 1971 onwards was intended to parody male privilege and to provoke a barbed reflection on the political dimension of what it is to be a woman. Her attitude has served as a key marker within the gender equality issues at the center of the debate raging amongst the younger generations.

This monograph explores the work and the artistic activities of Tomaso Binga through a specific lexicon (Agora, Biographies, the Corporeal Nature of the Word, Correspondences, Geographies, Vaginal Value), and also features a selection of poems by the artist. [publishers’ note]

With contributions by Marc Bembekoff, Barbara Casavecchia, Martina Cavalli, Chiara Costa, Anna Cuomo, Valérie Da Costa, Allison Grimaldi Donahue, Daria Khan, Émilie Notéris, Raffaella Perna, Antonello Tolve, and Andrea Viliani.

Published by Lenz, 2024
Design by Lorenzo Mason Studio
Monographs / Poetry

Price: 45€

BINGA, Tomaso - Euforia