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BELLINI, Andrea; KUNAK, Göksu (eds.) BELLINI, Andrea; KUNAK, Göksu (eds.) Artists’ Survival Kit Nero 2023 Essays / Labor 20€ 20€
BISELLO, Piero (ed.) BISELLO, Piero (ed.) A few homers Surfaces Utiles 2016 Anthologies / Crafts / Counterculture / Labor 12€ 12€
BOVET, Roxane; BROQUART, Dimitri; TAVELLI, Julien (eds.) BOVET, Roxane; BROQUART, Dimitri; TAVELLI, Julien (eds.) IRL – In Real Life #1: The MONEY Issue HEAD 2024 Periodicals / Conversations / Graphic Design / Labor / Education / Economy 15€ 15€
BURTIN ZORTEA, Julia; DRUL, Louise BURTIN ZORTEA, Julia; DRUL, Louise Aujourd’hui, on dit travailleur·ses de l’art 369 éditions 2022 Essays / Labor / Politics 12€ 12€
CHOI, Binna; TANAKA, Maiko (eds.) CHOI, Binna; TANAKA, Maiko (eds.) The Grand Domestic Revolution Goes On Bedford Press / Casco Projects 2010 Essays / Feminism / Politics / Labor 14€ 14€
COCKSHOTT, Paul COCKSHOTT, Paul Une histoire du travail de la préhistoire au XXIe siècle Critiques Editions 2022 Essays / History / Labor 26€ 26€
COGNEE, Gaëlle; FAUVEL, Mikaël (eds.) COGNEE, Gaëlle; FAUVEL, Mikaël (eds.) Jeanne déployée sans emploi MJC André Malraux 2021 Anthologies / Feminism / Labor 10€ 10€
COSTE, Teddy COSTE, Teddy The Junction Lunchtime Gallery 2022 Zines / Performance / Labor 8€ 8€
GIOVANNITTI, Sophia GIOVANNITTI, Sophia Working Girl. On Selling Art and Selling Sex Verso 2023 Essays / Sex / Labor 18€ 18€
HESTER, Helen; SRNICEK, Nick HESTER, Helen; SRNICEK, Nick After Work: A History of the Home and the Fight for Free Time Verso 2023 Essays / Labor / Politics 22€ 22€
LANE-McKINLEY, Madeline LANE-McKINLEY, Madeline Comedy Against Work. Utopian Longing in Dystopian Times Common Notions 2022 Essays / Labor / Philosophy 22€ 22€
METHTHANANDA, Dan ; KOHOUT, Martin (eds.) METHTHANANDA, Dan ; KOHOUT, Martin (eds.) Night Shifter TLTRPreß 2018 Anthologies / Labor / Counterculture 12€ 12€
PAGÈS, Yves PAGÈS, Yves Les chaînes sans fin. Histoire illustrée du tapis roulant Zones 2023 Essays / Labor / Technology 20€ 20€
POGACAR, Tadej (ed.) POGACAR, Tadej (ed.) CODE:RED PARASITE Anthologies / Gender Studies / Sex / Labor 30€ 30€
SCHOLZ, R. Trebor SCHOLZ, R. Trebor Own This! How Platform Cooperatives Help Workers Build a Democratic Internet Verso 2023 Essays / Media Studies / Politics / Labor 22€ 22€
STIENNE, Agnès STIENNE, Agnès Bouts de bois. Des objets aux forêts Zones 2023 Essays / Labor / Technology 23€ 23€