The Voice that Remains: An evening with PAUL O’NEILL
21 February 2024 07:00PM

How to conceive of exhibition making today?
How to consider curatorial modes of public address?
What happens between writing and curating?
Get ready for all you ever wanted to know about the art of curating but were afraid to ask (or read)…

A curator, educator, and writer, Paul O’Neill will be at After 8 Books to discuss his critical approach to curating — reading through a selection of books he wrote and edited over the past years.

This evening will also be the occasion to launch The Voice that Remains, a book about PUBLICS, a curatorial agency with a dedicated library, event space and reading room in Helsinki, that O’Neill is the Artistic Director of.
Published by Lugemik, The Voice that Remains “looks back at material, digital and archival traces left behind within the physical and situated space of PUBLICS, and in the bodies, voices and memories of those who have worked” with this new institution since its inception in 2013.

> Paul O’Neill is the Artistic Director of PUBLICS, a curatorial agency with a dedicated library, event space and reading room in Helsinki. Previously he was Director of the Graduate Program at the Center for Curatorial Studies (CCS), Bard College; international tutor on the de Appel Curatorial Program, Amsterdam. He is notably the author of The Culture of Curating and the Curating of Culture(s) (2016), and the co-editor of Curating Subjects (2007), Curating and the Educational Turn (2010), Curating Research (2015), The Curatorial Conundrum (2016); How Institutions Think (2017); and Curating After the Global (2019). Forthcoming books include Not Going it Alone: Collective Curatorial Curating (2024); Curious (2024), and a collective of his curatorial essays called CURED.

 - The Voice that Remains: An evening with PAUL O’NEILL