LEWIS, Sophie
Abolish the Family: A Manifesto for Care and Liberation

Abolish the Family traces the history of family abolitionist demands, beginning with nineteenth century utopian socialist and sex radical Charles Fourier, the Communist Manifesto and early-twentieth century Russian family abolitionist Alexandra Kollontai. Turning her attention to the 1960s, Lewis reminds us of the anti-family politics of radical feminists like Shulamith Firestone and the gay liberationists, a tradition she traces to the queer marxists bringing family abolition to the twenty-first century. This exhilarating essay looks at historic rightwing panic about Black families and the violent imposition of the family on indigenous communities, and insists: only by thinking beyond the family can we begin to imagine what might come after. [publisher's note]

Published by Verso, 2022
Essays / Feminism / Politics

Price: 12€

LEWIS, Sophie - Abolish the Family: A Manifesto for Care and Liberation