a night with Albert Serra / A Toast to St Martirià - booklaunch
28 June 2024 07:00PM

Hello Weirdos, please welcome weird wondrous filmaker Albert Serra for an evening with Divided's latest publication: A Toast to St Martirià.

The concept of fiction, that’s to say, living your life as if it were a novel, as if it were something unreal, which is nothing to do with you – you are living it but you aren’t sure exactly how... In fiction there is no difference between daytime and night-time life; wakefulness, dream, repetitive work, the intimacy of bodies, everything is mixed up together... I knew how much energy it demands and I wanted to embrace it completely.

The book is about Serra's process as a film director, his tight conceptual frame, the small town where he is from, nighttime and chaos.

Albert Serra will be in conversation with actor/theorician/local celebrity Baptiste Pinteaux. Divided editor Camilla Wills will also join the event.

published by Divided, 2024

buy the book here


 - a night with Albert Serra / A Toast to St Martirià - booklaunch